A quick plug for Transition Town Brixton - they've got a public event next Thursday about 'The Future of our Food', which should be very interesting. Click on the image to see the details. TTB have a great programme of urban food-related events for the coming months.
Here's the blurb for next week's event:
Our current food system invests 10 calories of fossil energy to get 1 calorie of food energy out. We import more than 40% of our food. As oil and gas supplies dwindle this will present problems. In the city we are reliant on supermarket distribution chains, but supermarkets only hold enough food to feed us all for three days, leaving us "nine meals away from anarchy" should our imports be interrupted.
But there are ways we can help to change our food system to make ourselves more self-reliant - even in London!
1 comment:
I will def be going to this - anyone else interested? Perhaps we could meet-up.
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