Edward is the artistic brain/hands/talent behind our beautiful 'photosphere' Transition Westcombe logo - those who live in Greenwich, especially, may have seen a number of them in galleries, shops and elsewhere. Click here for Edward's website.

Edward's offer is to make a photosphere for any transition town which requests one, depicting their own area - either for use as a TT logo or, if you already have a logo or have plans for one, simply as a beautiful depiction of your neighbourhood.

What a wonderful art project it could be to have dozens of TTs represented in photospheres and collected together, every community depicted as a miniature planet emphasising the unique nature of each.
Edward says:
I am happy to donate photospheres for logos at no charge to other Transition Towns, and hope that at some point you are in a position to make some equally tempting offer to the Transition Towns in Greenwich!
If your transition town is interested, do get in touch with Edward at edhillATglartists.com (replace 'AT' with '@').
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