For anyone who really wants to get involved in a transition initiative, there is a good opportunity coming up: a training weekend run by the Transition Network. These don't often come as close to us as Brighton, so if there are places left and you are serious about getting involved, this one is worth considering. Their blurb is below.
Book now for Training for Transition 2 day course, making a rare appearance in the South, places very limited - Sat 9 - Sun 10th May 2009, hosted by Transition Brighton & Hove
It is considered essential that at least two, or for larger groups, several people undertake this course for any transition initiative, and it gives a deep understanding of the core principles of starting or maintaining a Transition group, and the skills and tools needed. It is a profound journey into building our personal resilience, while weaving together our inner Transition with Transition on a community level and sharing the experiences of other initiatives.
It is highly recommended and is likely to result in excitement and effective action, with participants likely to return to their groups with new found gusto and wisdom. It is valuable for those who have already been involved for some time, or those who are new but committed to helping their community make the Transition to a decarbonised and generally happier future.
With the explosion of the Transition movement, the trainers are now in high demand, with this course now going on international tour and the closest taking place in London, every now and then. They tend to book up quickly.
We have worked very hard to keep the cost of this course to £90, with limited concession places available. There will be a limit of 22 places only.
Please write to bookings@transitionbrightonandhove.org.uk in the first instance, for further details, including how to pay the £40 deposit to secure your place. Please tell us a bit about yourself and your involvement with the Transition Towns movement.
Further details here:
Warm regards...and keep up the good work!
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