As with The Age of Stupid, this is a small-budget, independent film whose chances of success and of getting more big-screen time depends on a successful first week, so do try to see it then and spread the word.
Here's the official blurb:
Friday 12 February 2010 sees the UK cinema release of a compelling new Oscar-tipped documentary film, 'Food, Inc'.
As one of the highest grossing independent films of 2009 in the US, 'Food, Inc.' is the eagerly awaited film lifts the veil on the food industry. This eye opening documentary reveals how supermarkets have worked with governments to keep food costs artificially low, to the detriment of our health, animal welfare and the livelihood's of farmers - revealing surprising - and often shocking truths about what we eat and how it's produced.
Food, Inc is more than just 'food for thought'; it's an opportunity for activism and essential viewing for any health-conscious citizen. You'll never look at dinner in the same way again! http://www.foodincmovie.co.uk/index.php
The Soil Association is proud to be the official charity partner of Food, Inc. providing the solutions to the issues raised in the film. It hits our cinema screens on Friday 12 February, with a special day of one-off nationwide cinema screenings on Monday 15 February – this will possibly be the only chance to see this important film in some parts of the country, but please read below to see how you may be able to help! http://www.soilassociation.org/Takeaction/Supportus/FoodInc/tabid/597/Default.aspx
The first week of the release is make or break for any movie. The cinema chains look at the number of tickets sold and then decide either to book the film in more cinemas, or to dump it in the bin.
Films such as An Inconvenient Truth and The Age of Stupid started very small, but then went on to have wide nationwide releases on the back of a strong start in cinemas. So if we can pack out the first weekend and the initial nationwide screenings, then the film will gather a momentum of its own, allowing the greatest number of people the opportunity to see the film.
In doing this the more people that can see the issues for themselves the more awareness will be raised about why organic principles and organic farming practices are so crucial for a sustainable future.
Please will you help?
What you can do:
1. Email - Please forward this email to everyone you know and encourage them to go and watch the film, ask if they can forward on to their contacts too
2. Trailer - watch the trailer and get a taste of things to come! http://www.foodincmovie.co.uk/index.php
3. Watch the film - Look at the list of participating cinemas - www.foodincmovie.co.uk/cinemas. Click on a cinema to go through to the booking page where you can buy your tickets now
4. Volunteer - Fancy a free ticket to a screening of Food, Inc. near you? If you're able to spend a few minutes of your time after the film handing out Soil Association membership leaflets after the film we'll pay for your ticket. Get a friend to help you and we'll give them a free ticket to the film too! Contact Lisa lmetcalfe@soilassociation.org for more details
5. Promotion - Download the poster http://foodincmovie.co.uk/press.php and stick up in your school/office/window or let us know if you want to buy the massive cinema poster and do the same
6. Social networks - Join the Soil Association on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Soil-Association/8422578815 and Twitter - http://twitter.com/SoilAssociation and follow the progress of this film. Add the screening you are going to as an event in Facebook and invite all your friends to join you
7. Support the 'Hungry for Change' campaign - Inspired by the release of the film, support our work by joining Soil Association today http://www.soilassociation.org/Takeaction/Supportus/tabid/127/Default.aspx
8. Shout! - Announce the nearest screening to you at campaign meetings/school assemblies/business shindigs or just invest in a loud hailer.
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