Where: Mycenae House bar, Mycenae Road, SE3 7SE
When: Wednesday, 25 February, 6.15pm - 8pm
Map: Click here
We are holding an informal meet-up for anyone and everyone interested in getting involved in Transition Westcombe or simply in learning more about it.
Drop in any time between the times listed above, as it's not a formal meeting.
Thanks to those who have been in touch to say they want to get involved - it's great to learn that there are more near-neighbours out there thinking about transition issues and eager to take action. Please bring along anyone else you think might be interested, and feel free to spread the word. We've chosen a time - 6.15pm to 8pm - which we hope gives people a good chance of being able to pop in. And of course there is no reason not to linger later than 8pm if you're enjoying yourself.
If there is enough interest, we will look at holding these meet-ups on a regular basis, so if you want to come but cannot, please let us know so we know how much interest there is in doing this again.
If you do know of other people in or around Westcombe who you think would be interested in Transition Westcombe, do encourage them to email transitionwestcombeATgooglemail.com (replace the 'AT' with '@') so they can receive updates. The more the merrier. If they don't live or work in Westcombe but are elsewhere in Greenwich or just over the borough boundary into Lewisham, we'd still be glad to hear from them, as they may want to form transition groups in their neighbourhood and forge links with us.
Isn't a 6:15 kickoff a bit early for people who work in town? All very well if you're already living the low-carbon dream (hah) and walk or cycle just a few minutes every morning and evening, but if you do commute any distance and have a 6 o'clock finish, then making it to Mycenae House within quarter of an hour simply won't happen. I'd have thought 7-9pm might be a little more normal.
Yes, we had a debate about this, and hoped that 6.15-8pm (with the possibility of further lingering) would suit enough people. I hope you can make it - if you cannot, do let us know afterwards so in future we can think about whether there would be a better time slot.
Are you signed up to our email list, John?
I should add, John, no need to turn up at the start time, as it's informal and you're welcome to drop in as and when you can manage.
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